Seamless Link Early Adopter

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I love words. 

When this phrase was given to me, I just ate it up!

Our family of churches is very interested in what we call “missions”.  For us that means sending out people of like mind to talk about what we consider to be priority in life – Jesus.

In the past number of years we have funded what seemed to be far away people.  Now we want to figure a way to link with our missions people so that they have a face and a place in our memories.  Our church has been asked to consider being on the leading edge – to try and work at ways we can make our connection with our missionaries seamless.

Thus we could become a “SLEA”.  I love acronyms as well!  (Although I would prefer “SLED” – Seamless Link Early aDopter.  Seems to imply that we will be moving along!)

Keep tuned for further details as they become available!

A new approach?

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The Left Behind series is going public – in churches.   The premiere of the next movie will only be in churches – hopefully making this the largest distribution chain in North America! 

The idea is to get Hollywood right were they will listen!  In the pocketbook.  If they see the distribution of movies being profitable in the church market, they might make suitable movies. 

Besides the question of facility usage for religious purposes, the taking of funds on behalf of a movie chain, and the constant question of previewing movies (I’ve yet to meet someone who has been recommended a movie by a friend and not been disappointed!), and a few other questions I have, maybe there is something to this??

Who's with Whom?

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The latest article I read (from Christianity Today) is a Jew speaking to evangelical Christians.

He quite gladly praises evangelicals’ human rights record in this last while.  Then he makes the point that compromise is sometimes the best approach.  You can’t get Utopia, so at least get a foothold at the bottom of the mountain.

We have all had that experience.  With our children, we fight the fight that’s worth winning.  With our boss we approach the problem that can be fixed in order to get to the rotted root of the system. 

Paul, of New Testament fame, only made it to prison to write his prison epistles by using the name of Caesar.  He freely chose to take the world’s philosophies and use them to point to the “Whom”.  David, in the Jewish scriptures, works well with King Hiram.  Joseph works well with Pharoah.  Isaiah is a king’s confidant in both good and bad reigns.

All fine and well.  Compromise carries the idea of “promise” when working with (“com”) another.  But what is the point of no return, and of no entrance?  The point where we just say, “I can’t work with this?” and then leave?

Is it a question of allegiance?  Of never leaving the rock that is “first place” in your life  —  while at the same time surveying the surroundings to find out who is standing with you on a piece of that rock at that time?

Waskesiu contrast

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You can come for one or the other!!

But come!!

[sponsored by Prince Albert National Park, or maybe just me!]