It’s one of those activities that are unexpected – and not much activity to it!
I sat on the front steps of my brother-in-law’s place yesterday. We both talked of life in the family. And of the death of our wives. Sunday had been three years since my first wife passed away. His wife passed away last year.
We make an interesting pair. We have been friends for around 20 years. We have been in-laws for two years. The cross-over has been smooth. We just have a greater arena of discussion.
The sun was shining. The grass was growing. Our discussion ranged from selling and upgrading houses to the new normals of life.
Would I trade this friendship? No.
We have gone through family stressors, church transitions and philosophical debates. All of them have made us both better men. And we are both seeing the wisdom of passing on any wisdom we have gathered to other men.
Now, that is friendship.