In the past I’ve mentioned some of the slogans that seem to have a life of their own in my life. I placed some of these on my mirror to remind me. Just in case the house burns down, or I never look in the mirror again, I thought they might be good to have in another place. So, here are some of those.
Submitted to Christ, Committed to the Community, Eager to Serve
Grant me marathon strength and radical gratitude. I want to see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly day by day (Col. 1)
Give more than you get and you’ll get more than you need.
For the Christian, death is the easy part. Life is the challenge.
Jesus, I want fire, not ice; something lively, not just nice. Power for service, discipline in all things, stories to tell and songs to sing. (August 2006)
“It’s not a good measure of health to be well adjusted in a profoundly sick society.” (Christianity Today – July/August 2012, p.56)