Three weeks in a row I have sat down on Thursday evening with young adults. We potluck together. Tonight was taco night – I supplied the meats. Others brought a fruit salad (which had pasta as part of the ingredients – marvelous). Another brought taco shells. Another brought dilly bars. Another one or two brought themselves.
Around the table I ask questions. One about favourite books. And another about favourite Bible verses. The rest of the evening is just conversation. Around a quick game of UNO, or around the dishes, or even setting the table and sitting at table.
I laughed so hard, as did others, that we were using our napkins as tissue. I heard some doubts in life and some situations that require God and others.
I wish I could say that this is an answer table. Where people come to hear and walk away with surety in their lives. Well, I do trust God to provide. At the same time we do plan on being together again next Thursday. In some ways the promise of a future is not a bad thing.
So, young adults! 6:00 at my house next Thursday. It’s pasta night!!
What a great idea, Ron! So needed is this homey contact, and where young people let their hair down and talk about themselves without any one judging. This will bring lasting memories for them.