Teaching in the past

I have been “culling” various files these past few days. 

Yesterday was my “worship” files. 

My musical ability made me a candidate for the front row of the worship wars in the late years of the past century.  I not only led worship teams as they were evolving in North America, but I taught on the whole subject area.

Three times I taught a seminary course, and at least as many, if not more, times helped to organize and teach worship courses for local churches.  The interaction and stimulation of these teaching experiences still shapes my life today.

Worship is a constant part of our lives.  We choose to worship in the morning.  And at noon.  And in the evening time. 

Corporately, our worship tends to focus most on a once a week service.  Small groups gather and coffee meetings host worship. 

Worship is merely a two way conversation with God.  In that conversation we are reminded that God is God and we are not.  Our expression of that understanding leads to singing, prayer, social action, love, joy, peace and so much more.  We work with the signs of baptism and communion to remind us of the awesome preparation God has done for us.  We pledge to serve as God’s kingdom on earth.  We enjoy God’s throne room and His living room.  We tell others of the God we worship.

At the core, then, worship is core.  Christian worship is the recognition that the way to God in worship is through Jesus Christ.  This is facilitated through the Spirit of God living in us and expressing worship through us.

What a great stream in which to live.  Living waters from God that refresh us and in our growth bring us back to the one who is to be worshipped.

OK, that was just a few files that I looked over.  Good stuff!!

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