The Carol Festival that almost wasn’t

We heard the word.  “We are going to have to cancel.” 

On Sunday night the Community Carol Festival was scheduled for 7:00 in the evening.  At around 6:15 a town wide power blackout happened.

Hearty souls that we are, those practicing for their parts in the Festival gathered at the church where the Festival was to be held.  With candles and cell phones and emergency lighting we sang, played and prepared.

For almost 1/2 hour we prepared.  And wondered when the power would come on.  We knew that once the emergency lighting batteries ran out, the building would have to be thought of as “unsafe” for a public gathering.  And we did not know how soon that would happen.

At 6:50 some of the organizers began to tell us that they were planning on canceling.  At around 6:51 the lights came back on and the evening was on!  The choir I was directing (the high school choir) were first up.  After all the commotion, I was proud to see how well they performed.  And the evening continued with great success.  Thanks to all those who organized and participated!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Elizabeth Cooper

    It’s moments like that that are remembered forever and makes us appreciate power ! So glad for events like this for the community. Good job, Ron.

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