The cry room

I find music touches me where nothing else can. 

This morning I was in my car, listening to a song that talked about, “when it feels like you can’t go on, you deliver me.”

I am going on, and enjoying life.

But, every once in awhile, the heart touches the head with a bump!  You are not always sure where the overpowering emotion bubbles up from.  You feel surrounded and you know that this has something to do with your loss and your grieving process. 

And so, you cry.  Not on a rational level.  Not for any good reason.  You just cry.

Then Jesus just “de-live-rs” (gives you what you need to live).  He gives you a liveliness that is unexpected but so appreciated. 

You go on, not in your own strength, but in that of Jesus.

What a great way to live!

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