The other day I spent a few hours in the yard.
The grass was growing, although sparse rain for the last weeks has not helped. Prayer for rain in currently in the forecast! The weeds had also made a stand. We have tried out a friendly weed killer and fertilizer on the front lawn and it seems to be working.
I love to watch as the leaves push their way out into a full stretch, brightening the landscape with green. Sparrows and other song birds begin to chirp and sing.
And the temperature? Well, we are still trying to figure that one out. A day or so ago we almost hit freezing once again. But for the most part I don’t need a jacket.
This is the spring time of the year. A time of promise and expectation.
With this time comes a heart impulse – to see promise in each situation in which I am found.
May God grant to all of us a sense of his warming work that melts a winter time’s blanket of disappointment and leads to a summer time’s covering of hope.