“Not a question of being censored but of being amplified.” (head of TED talks Chris Anderson – June 2020 video)
That was one speakers thought on controlling the spread of misinformation or untruths. But is that really an answer?
Censorship requires a person/entity that knows truth. Anything that is outside the truth is thus deleted or at least repressed – censored Thus we must know the truth in order to censor.
What about the idea of just turning down the channel (turn off the amplifier)? Turning channels into least or less heard is also a form of censorship – a subsection of that activity we call censorship. This, in theory, allows for an inclusive agenda to be achieved while minimizing the effect on an enlightened population.
And we are back to understanding truth. Neither outright censorship or turning down the volume work unless we know what truth is – what is right. Even then, what we do with the truth (and untruths) is the bigger question.
A Roman official once asked, “What is truth?”. A leading religious leader claimed “I am the truth”.
Sounds like 2000 years hasn’t changed the swirling conversations that populate our world.