When the car breaks down

As the 10:00 hour came, a phone call interrupted the morning’s activities.

Vince, a friend from years back, was at our Tim Horton’s.  His car had a water pump that had broken.  He was awaiting a tow truck and coffee was on him!  Just then my wife walked into the office and was more than willing to join us.

Vince has travelled a long road.  From a near death experience, to broken marriage and rough relationships, his life has had its share.

Today we just caught up.  He is working IT (computer stuff) for the federal government.  He also does other computer work on the side.  He is living close to the Bowden prison in Alberta, where he works with their LAN (local area network) and other computer networks for the federal government.

In times past we met weekly.  Now, he was off to visit another fellow who had been in a small group study with us.  That was a few years ago.  Now we are hundreds of miles apart but still remember the impact that group had.

Thanks, Vince, for the visit and encouragement that, though years pass, we can still connect!!

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