Slavery and Manners

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

William Wilberforce is often cited as a leader in the movement against slavery.  Lesser known was his campaign to reform the manners of a society that had become lax, lewd and lascivious (all great words to say that they were more inclined to satisfying their own desires rather than looking out for the good of others).

As I sat over tea today, I entered into a discussion about freedom and boundaries.  Certainly the slave trade was a boundary beyond sense and reason – if we truly take into account the thought that we should “do unto others as we would have them do unto us.”  At the same time, to be released from slavery still means that you must work within a culture to enhance the culture and not threaten those who make up the culture.

I think many of us think that getting rid of all rules means we are no longer slaves!  As Wilberforce would have seen, the riddance of slavery (as practiced at that time) was an affront to the “Golden Rule.”  At the same time, unbridled lust and wilful destruction – living without manners – was also an affront to the “Golden Rule.”  Somewhere in between is where a society will be seen as “the good.”

Of course, in the midst of all this discussion, there is a recognition that we tend towards ourselves and not others.  Only a changed heart – one that seeks the good of others and the proper place of our creator – will truly be able to reform a society.  Which is why I keep turning back to Jesus for direction – God as man, God’s change agent for our world.

The expulsive power of a new affection

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Thomas Chalmers is quoted with this tidbit of wisdom.  I’ve been watching a promotional video series on Conflict Resolution with Tim Pollard.  Put out by Peacemaker Ministries, the session I just finished has some great nuggets!

When we experience conflict – go to God first.  That means; in all I do, I do only what would shine a favourable light on God.  If I can’t see God in the mirror, I’m in trouble.

Then, get real with yourself!  We have a great capacity to blame others before we even consider the downside of our own behaviour.  The deeper issue in conflicts are not the symptoms but the cravings that underlay our reactions. 

Whatever craving is not based in God is an idol – another mini god has replaced God!  Sin is what we do when we are not fully satisfied in God.  And so our hearts become idol factories.

What idols rule your heart?  What do you fear?  What do you want the most in life?  What would you sin to obtain?  Have you ever stretched the truth to obtain something? — And here is one of those statements from the video that hit me.  “Your wife and kids know your idols because they’ve seen when you’ve flared up.”

How do you explode an idol factory?  Replace that factory with a much better factory.  Drive our love for the mini god out with a big love for the true God.  If our lives are comprised of an insatiable love for God, then the little loves will shrink into nothingness!

A missed appointment

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

A few weeks ago we were looking forward to listening to a group called “Barrage”.  We had heard them earlier in the year – a great fiddle group!  They had given the kind of electric performance that inspired us to want to return.  Not many groups get our second return – this was one!

And then, just a week before the concert we found out the date had been changed.  Our appointment has become a disappointment.  We’ll probably still get together with our friends for supper that evening – but we won’t be able to take in the concert. 

Those of you who are able to attend on Wednesday – check it out for us!!

For the love of snow!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I awoke today to a sermon prep day.  That I enjoy!

Another of my enjoyments is shoveling snow.  The exercise is good for me.  But more than that – there is something that was a part of my youth rolled up in each shovel full that I extract from the driveway!  As well, to see a final product – a clean area of the earth!!

So, today I was able to help a few people shovel their snow as well.  I found out one was a new arrival in Kindersley.  Another has lived a long time across the street from the church.  Both appreciated the help.  But more than that, I just enjoyed the lift, stretch and throw.

Tomorrow I will feel well – the exercise has been a good thing for me.  And my mind has been exercised in sermon preparation.  In all a good day!!