Marrying and burying, and birthing

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Our trips this year have revovled around family.  This week Jill, my wife, flies to Bellevile, Ontario, for our niece’s wedding.  In the past few months we have been out to British Columbia as my brother’s cancer worsened and he finally died.  In a few weeks we expect to venture up to Prince Albert for the birth of our first grandchild.

All this gets me thinking.  Miles (kilometers for those imperially challenged) tend to be easy to cover.  We may not like the price of gas, the blur of scenery, or even the need for those “potty” breaks along the way.  But arrival means the opportunity to continue to gel family relationships. 

I appreciate those who have turned life into a journey.  And I love the road trip!  But perhaps we need to get back to the destination.  Is there not a reason we are on our road trips??

Day Off

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Slow to rise!

Off to the back yard to pick up leaves.  Here, we compost and recycle as much as possible.  So in the bottom of the leaf bag is broccoli – a week past good – gently resting on left over lettuce leaves and marinated in a sweet perfume of decay.  My stomach is crying for . . .

An afternoon nap and then a phone call to invite people to a Sunday Thanksgiving dinner.  We’ll surround our table with around 10 people.  Sunday is also our anniversary.  29 years — and many more to come, God willing!

Life is good!

In your dreams!!

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So, in my dreams, I’m pretending I’m Bobby Fisher (former world chess champion!).

I start with some classic moves.  A pawn here, the knight, followed by a pawn.

The game goes on.  The dark side is advancing.  As I watch the black pieces converge, I’m confident!  I can win this.  I’ve got the best mind available to me.  I’ve got the best computer program as my backup.

No problem!

Well, only one.  The  game’s reason has been left off the board!  

I’m playing without a king. 

Some can, and some split!

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Coming soon – to a blog near you!!

I’ve come to the conclusion that some writers can combine theology and personal interactions well.  Randall Friesen and Jordon Cooper keep me going.  They make me laugh and cry, see theology in the most mundane and the most sacred, and do it all in literary fashion to boot!

Me, I tend to get way too abstract when I try to theologize (even my wife struggles to follow me!).  So, for those venturesome souls, I’m beginning a separate blog in the next while which will be my meanderings in theology, church and the like.  This current blog will remain open for meanderings related to my personal life – a way to keep up on what I’m about.

Some can, and some split!