The day ends

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Some days are geared more towards an overabundance of "hands on" activity than others.  Yesterday and today were just such days.  As you come to the end of the day, its time to relax.

As I write this, I’m holding off on what can be done tomorrow!  The next sermon can see the light tomorrow, further committee meeting preparation can be finished in the morning, a phone call of confirmation is probably best placed during the day.

The whirlwind of the weekend included a quick visit from my daughter, her husband and our grandson.  At one point she was going through her baby pictures with her two year old son.  I was sitting there watching, knowing something else needed done.  And immediately I was reminded that I had slipped out other times when my daughter was younger.  So, I sat and watched the two of them point, and laugh and rehearse history.  Well worth the while!

And now, to rest and relax.  Tomorrow will arrive soon enough.  May God grant refreshment!

Blood and batteries

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Thursday was one of those days.  Exhausted at the end, but having accomplished what you began.

In preparation for surgery, I went in for an "autologous" (Wikipedia – In biology, autologous refers to cells, tissues or even proteins that are reimplanted in the same individual as they come from.)  Basically I donated blood for myself!  I have another donation planned for January 14th, and then surgery on January 21.  Hopefully I won’t need the blood, but you never know.

On the same day, we hit a heart pacemaker clinic.  By wife’s battery is running down, probably within the next three months it will wear out and her pacemaker will quit functioning.  By that time, we would like to have replaced the battery.  Looks like the surgery will fall in February.  I expect to be hobbling around at that time.  We ought to make a great pair — two invalids in one house!!

Oh, at the same time I was looking for a Kodak camera battery.  Not an item most stores carry (in fact we hit well over a dozen before we found one!).  The price may not have been "rock bottom COSTCO" price, but sometimes when you’ve found the pearl, you pay the price.

Now, I’m recovering from blood loss and what feels like either a dry throat or a cold.  A touch of a headache, but I had a good sleep.  Life is good . . . if you can just get past the blood and the batteries!

Just for the fun of it!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

While on holidays this Christmas I came across Yahoo!’s comic page.  Interestingly it is under their tab for "NEWS".  That was my first laugh.  The next was that over 60 comics are featured.  You can click on the site and choose the last two weeks of comics.

Now, for those in large cities who get daily newspapers, this may not be a big deal.  Here in Kindersley we subscribe to the weekly paper, and examine the electronic "free" sections of large papers.  They don’t feature their comic sections!  Having said that, most of them don’t have 60 different comics to choose from, let alone editorial cartoons.

So, for the laugh of it, I tried out some of the Yahoo comics.  Peanuts has been into the story of the mad punter — and Linus is trying to memorize his lines for the Christmas play.  Garfield and Odie are being "babysat" by the strong lady of babysitters while Jon goes on a New Year’s Eve date.  Marmaduke drank too much punch at the New Year’s Eve party.  And in B.C. the Echo Canyon has been automated.

Sometimes you need a break — take a look today!