The day ends

Some days are geared more towards an overabundance of "hands on" activity than others.  Yesterday and today were just such days.  As you come to the end of the day, its time to relax.

As I write this, I’m holding off on what can be done tomorrow!  The next sermon can see the light tomorrow, further committee meeting preparation can be finished in the morning, a phone call of confirmation is probably best placed during the day.

The whirlwind of the weekend included a quick visit from my daughter, her husband and our grandson.  At one point she was going through her baby pictures with her two year old son.  I was sitting there watching, knowing something else needed done.  And immediately I was reminded that I had slipped out other times when my daughter was younger.  So, I sat and watched the two of them point, and laugh and rehearse history.  Well worth the while!

And now, to rest and relax.  Tomorrow will arrive soon enough.  May God grant refreshment!

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