Take it to the limit!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

One phrase.  From a song from decades ago.  I don’t even remember what the song is about.

The phrase — "Take it to the limit one more time."

I’m adopting that phrase for my visits to the physio therapist.  I think of this like an approach to scaling Mt. Everest.  One more step when blackness begins to envelope.  But not over the edge!

My exercises today show that I have maintained on one knee, and regressed slightly on the other.  No that this is insurmountable.  But in order to scale the heights you have to go one more step.

And that’s why I like physio therapy, and hate it at the same time.  I hit the wall both sessions I’ve had here in Kindersley.  I can tell when I hit the wall — I stop talking and starting panting.  Those involved in the session can see my face go pale and my energy run out.

I’m learning to at least get to the wall.  My usual approach is to sight the wall and leave it at that.  Or at least get close enough to kiss the wall.  But not to bang up against it. 

And that’s where progress can happen or plateau.  So this Friday I’m off again to physio — I’m sure I’ll take it to the limit one more time — not over the edge but at least edging up the mountain!

Answer that phone!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We have a Panasonic wireless phone. 

A great advantange for me.  I can set it beside me wherever I am.  On the first or second ring, I’m right there!!

Except . . .

The other day I am resting in another room, upon my bed of ease!  I have left the phone in its cradle.  The answering machine kicks in after six rings.  I have valiantly tried to arise from my bed of ease.  Kicking my feet to the floor, I grab my walker.  I stand and feel my feet under foot!  They are alright, so I begin the venture across the floor.  Three rings and I speed up my stride.  Five rings and I’m just around the corner — but there a few more corners to go.  As I reach the phone, the ringing in my ears is gone, and so is the caller.

So, today . . .

I’ve headed to the throne room (la salle de bain) and inadvertantly left the phone in anothe part of the house.  In the midst of my concentration, I hear this ringing in my ears.  I arise to go forth.  I leave the rest of the story to you to fill in — the ending is that the message machine got the best of me!

Now, I’m carrying the phone with me — it’s within a meter of me right now!!

Another myth busted!

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I just looked — I have a callous from my walker!  Now that’s not one I expected!!

Day 21

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

The scenery I view each day! 

We’ve had three blizzard days I’ve been able to view through this window (I thought they were really nice days!!).  Some days it feels like cabin fever.  But overall I’m thankful for each day that God gives me.