Thinking about plateaus

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Each day you work your exercises.  Following the regimen is based on what has worked for others in the past. 

Some days you feel like you are getting somewhere.  Swelling goes down.  You can do two laps instead of one around the living room.  You still feel refreshed when you finish 10 prescribed exercises.

Somedays feel like a plateau.  I know I’m doing what is needed.  And I fully expect in  few days I’ll see results.  But yesterday, and possibly today I’ll just be doing what needs to be done!

The days of creation

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

God created in seven days.  When you begin to concentrate very carefully on the changes that take place in one particular aspect of your life, you realize how quickly time passes.

I then turn to God.  Did he run from creative venture to creative venture?  From one side of the universe to another?  Was he as fast as light?  Was the variety of creatures on just one planet in one galaxy hard to number?  And when only one creation was left, why was that creation so special?

My own thinking just keeps going and going!!  God is so great (despite some current atheist authors who would dispute this).  And with God’s greatness in mind, let’s start the day in worship — I’d get on my knees but I understand I should watch those knees for the moment!

Them legs, them legs, them golden legs!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Note the running shorts!  Along with the newly fashioned sneakers (Yes, I do sneak around the house in these!).  Taken this morning to show off my athletic prowess — OK, maybe I’m not headed out of the house for the next few days, but I’m doing laps around the living and dining room!!