The line between rain and shine

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Thoughts on riding the road:

Today, I entered into the rain and came out of the rain.  In between, I sat in an auditorium that was unheated, and ate in a kitchen area warmed by ovens and people. 

This was the 75th anniversary of our local camp, Luseland Bible Camp.  30 years ago I directed a camp here.  Now, I sit as a pastor of one of the sponsoring churches.  In the beginning this was a family camp, missions conference, revival meetings camp.  People literally brought their graineries in to serve as cabins while camp was on.  I imagine they dragged them home afterwards and stored their crop in them until the next camp session.  Now the camp serves children and youth, and will branch out for a seniors weekend this summer.

More than once I have seen the rain roll into the camp grounds.  The roads are still unpaved and my white car was shaded brown by the time I arrived home.   A quick car wash was in order!

As I drove home I could see the demarcation where rain abated and sunshine flowed.  As I came closer my eyes had to adjust.  When you live in rain, everything is one color.  In the brightness of sunshine the colors are myriad.  Just a quick reminder that light exposes beauty while the mushiness of  gray obliterates the highlights.  Give me the light any day!!

My control

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I guess I’ve had it with rain.  We’ve had at least a week’s worth — and on the prairies that is unusual.  And somehow, all I can do is look at the weather channel and guess what will happen next.

Perhaps this type of weather is the best predictor of what I should think of God.  I can’t control God!  In a word from previous generations — God is sovereign.

So, for all the weather maps I can make, I don’t decide the content, I only sketch the happenings!!

A little water?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

That’s all that it takes!  We have cancelled a ballgame scheduled for tomorrow night. Now, I have to admit a little water is actually around 2 inches in the last few days. I believe we have had rain every day for the last few weeks. For the dry prairies this is more than enough water.

And for those who play ball in prairie gumbo — any more than a covering of water can create problems. Last year we played ball and our shoes were weighted with gumbo. I could hardly life my feet, and you had to scrape the mud from the bottom of your shoes.

So, better part of wisdom. Cancel the game and put together a pickup game sometime in the summer!!

I work best in the morning?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I was off to the office at 6:15 this morning. Now, in the winter, that’s early. Especially when the sun won’t rise for another three or four hours. But in the summer, the sun has already been up and it’s rays have graced the trees of our backyard (OK, not today which was cloudy and rainy — just felt like being poetic!).

From 6:15 through 12:15 I covered administration, counselled, and tried to get to writing my Sunday sermon. By noon I felt I had accomplished something.

My only regret? By 9:00 at night I feel like the day is well done (as am I!). As I write this, I’m definitely winding down. And I’d still like to do some reading, write a sermon, and go for a walk. But . . .