XYZ wraps up

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XYZ, our extra youthful zesty seniors, wrapped up before the summer season arrived. The original plan was outdoors BBQ, but rain appeared. Hotdogs were eaten, salad consumed and music sung. Then we exited, ready for the fall to arrive!

XYZ wrap up 2008

Forecasts and food

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There is an XYZ group that meets every year for a final BBQ. This meal is the end of the year celebration. Since we arrived three year ago the plan has been to go to an outdoor location.

First year it rained.

Last year it rained.

Could it rain again this year?

We always check the forecast. Now, since my dad was a weather forecaster, I know that at least 80% of the time the forecast is right.

I’m hoping for that last 20%!

A clown in Sunday garb?

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We celebrated today a successful fundraising for our youth missions team.  In fact, we went over our goal!  As part of the celebration, I wore a wig that could represent how my hair might have looked if it had been colored (one of the fundraisers).  Someone said it should have had a hole in the top (my baldness showing through).  I think a clown look is enough in and of itself!!

color it wig june 2008

The fun of it all

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Two events today.  One was a fundraiser, for a youth missions trip.  A garage sale and a shave it/color it [OR not] finished at 12:00 noon.  The "winner" of the shave it event was our illustrious church board chairman, Harvey Penner.

shave it save it jue 2008

Later in the afternoon we headed to a 50th Anniversary for our friends Art and Sylvia Walde.  Their kids did a great job of hosting!  Music, remembrances and fun!  Made for a great time.  And afterwards, I sat at a table with two other younger pastors and "chewed the fat" — which really means talking church life.

Art and Sylvia Walde 50th