Succulent Chicken

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Best description I can think of!

As we sat for meal at lunch today, our plates had four quadrants of food (five if you count beet pickles — a delicacy some truly enjoy).  The “we” is our XYZ seniors group.  The food was carrots, baked potatoes, salad and chicken breasts.

Now, not often do the seniors head back for seconds.  Many fill up on the first time around.  And sometimes with heaping plates.  Filled to the outer edge and piled high enough to create a small mountain (pardon me for the exaggeration, although my own plate could sometimes fit the description).

Today’s experience was somewhat modified.  Yes, some still piled their plates high first time around.  But then, there was a second time around.  The chicken was sooo tasty and melted in your mouth.  The coating was delicious.  Without much urging a group of stragglers headed back for more.

And, after all was said and done, the kitchen saw a few visitors wondering how the meal had been prepared.

Now, that’s success!!

Christmas holidays shaping up

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Previously, in what seems like another life, our Christmas plans were moulded in cement by early December.

This year the winter snow fell Saturday night and the snow shovels are out for the season.  And now the calendar is being filled with somewhere between a pencil and a felt tip marker.

Christmas day we hope to be at our daughter’s in Prince Albert.  We’ll probably drive up the day before.  December 29 is my father’s birthday so we hope to  be in LaFleche to celebrate with him on that day.  December 22, Jill and I will join our good friend, Wayne Gibson, in providing an evening concert of Christmas music – some carols to sing and some songs to listen to.

Other than that, the calendar is somewhat open.  Maybe some late morning risings and later evening stayingups (new word – check and see if its on wikipedia yet!!).

Trust your holidays are falling onto your calendar pages.  My thoughts on Christmas are to seek times where Christ is seen – and often family and friends are a great place to start!!

Youth Christmas Baking

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Well, plans change – often for the better. 

In this case, all those cookies are now cupcakes.  And beautifully decorated!  Below is a sample of the craftsmanship that keeps you coming back for more.  These culinary delights will be delivered to seniors over the next while.  Sorry, we can’t add any more to the list — you’ll just have to savor the picture of delight!

youth christmas baking 2008

Cookies – not the internet!

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The last few days I’ve run an additional virus checker on one of my computer.  I had heard of some problems on other machines lately, and some of them being friend’s computers.  There were a few non-threatening tracking cookies (what a great name — someone needs to do a dissertation on words and their changing image in the computer age).  Other than that  . . .  nothing seems out of place.

So, tonight our youth group is actually doing something with cookies.  Tangible, real, able to be baked, cookies!  We are preparing for distribution of these cookies to our seniors in our congregation (numbering just over 30 people). 

Tonight we will do the baking.  We had hoped to get to the baking last week, but circumstances dictated otherwise.  Some of the kids showed up looking forward to the baking time!  Today we’ll cap our evening with that excitement — baking cookies.

Now, I have to admit, my daughter has some fond memories of baking cookies.  I even remember trying my hand at cookie baking with my kids.

I guess there really is something to the “ordinary” things of life providing “extraordinary” experiences!  Let’s all get out there and join us “Bakers”!