Succulent Chicken

Best description I can think of!

As we sat for meal at lunch today, our plates had four quadrants of food (five if you count beet pickles — a delicacy some truly enjoy).  The “we” is our XYZ seniors group.  The food was carrots, baked potatoes, salad and chicken breasts.

Now, not often do the seniors head back for seconds.  Many fill up on the first time around.  And sometimes with heaping plates.  Filled to the outer edge and piled high enough to create a small mountain (pardon me for the exaggeration, although my own plate could sometimes fit the description).

Today’s experience was somewhat modified.  Yes, some still piled their plates high first time around.  But then, there was a second time around.  The chicken was sooo tasty and melted in your mouth.  The coating was delicious.  Without much urging a group of stragglers headed back for more.

And, after all was said and done, the kitchen saw a few visitors wondering how the meal had been prepared.

Now, that’s success!!

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