Days like these

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I awoke to an adventure today. 

The church’s old map came down a few days ago.  Amazing — the USSR was still around in 1990, when that map was copyrighted.  Now, the new map shows many different country states.  Georgia is right there in brown.  And many other countries whose names I do not know.  Used to be that naming the countries of the world was relatively easy.  Now there are many more countries, although the dirt is still the same!

So, today we installed a new map.  I had picked up the adhesive in Saskatoon — not enough around here.  But way too much for the job.  I came home with 3/4 of the paste still in the container.

The map looks great.

So, we (Jenn, Matt and I) had coffee.  Then at noon we departed to our own separate ways.


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Today we stepped into a laser printer store.  They are not really retail.  Somewhat wholesale.  All business.  Sales oriented with service personnel.

We were directed to a sales representative — Dale. 

Dale is 6′ 4″ – or so we would guess.  He began his pitch but was not ready to sell us anything off the floor.  No price on the used printers, but lots of information.  And much more data on new printers which could be made available right away.

He was knowledgeable, friendly, opinionated and talkative.

About 3/4 of the way through the presentation Dale left to get some further information.  Both my wife and I turned to each other.  We remarked, almost in one breath, that he was just like our son.  Tall, talkative, opinionated and knowledgeable.  Even his gestures and catch phrases were the same.

And so, our thoughts of who Dale was carried baggage.  We formed an opinion much more quickly than we should have — both for good and bad! 

Then we heard that Dale had farmed for 13 years.  Our son never farmed.  Other hints let us know that these were two different people.

And yet . . . somehow the perceptions stick.  And we wonder why we have trouble accepting other people for who they are!!

Changing the world

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

OK, so it’s not the Olympics or Mother Theresa!  But yesterday Cole, Brett and I tore down the world.  Or at least the world map.  This one was out of date.  Our hope is to put up a new map tomorrow.

changing the world - cole brett aug 2008

Five days

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I missed having my wife next to me for the last five days.  Much of our life is spent together.  We eat, scheme, think, work on the yard, renovate, visit, and generally see life through each other’s eyes.  We are bonded together in many ways.

While Jill has been in Rosetown for the last few days, I’ve missed her.  When she arrived home and we sat down — there was a constant conversation for 45 minutes.  Then tiredness began to catch up to both of us.

So, good night all and may Thursday hold much enjoyment and peace for each of you.