Prairie grass

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

No, I’m not talking about the drug type of “grass”!

We were in the midst of setting up some table centres for my father’s 90th birthday celebration.  For all the beautiful flowers and other accoutrements we could add, something seems right about prairie grass.

My father was born into prairie farm life, and farmed for a number of years.  My earliest recollection of pictures of my father are of him in wheat fields.  After leaving the farm there was still a great pull of the land.

So, we pulled some tufts of grass.  They set nicely into the white vases.  Surrounded by white table clothes and blue highlighted runners, the vases looked quite welcoming.  We may add a few more plants to the arrangement, but the grass will be an outstanding part of the mixture.

Now, just one more sleep and the afternoon celebration begins.  If you are around Kindersley between 2:00 – 4:00 on Saturday, drop by the Alliance Church (74 West Road) and join us!  90 years doesn’t roll around too often!

Lambeth Trivia

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Every once in a while, while reading very serious material, something tickles my funny bone.  The Times of London put together an article on the recent Anglican Lambeth conference.  Anglican representatives from around the globe meet every decade to discuss the state of the Anglican communion. 

This one promised to be a bit stormy!  A number of Bishops did not attend because they felt things were getting too liberal in the church.  Some were not invited.  Things seemed a bit precarious.  A compromise was reached but who knows where that will lead — a moratorium on gay consecrations and same-sex blessings as well as a moratorium on consecrating cross-boundary bishops to minister to evangelical congregations in liberal dioceses.

Heavy stuff!  Now, here is the Times Trivia that struck my funny bone:

The Lord gaveth

500 pairs of holy socks bought by bishops during the conference

120 litres of Communion wine drunk during 25 hours of worship

3,610 pints of lager consumed

10 years between conferences

1,320 minutes spent in 16 “indaba” groups

50 copies of In the Eye of the Storm signed by Gene Robinson, the gay Bishop of New Hampshire, sold

2 copies of The Truce of God: Peacemaking in Troubled Times by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, sold

Just one more thing!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We were out the door at 8:00 this morning.   Rounded the corner and started weeding the garden.  The plan was to be done by 10:00 and then visit Peavy Mart to get a new sprinkler and hose.

Well, then we needed to dig up a bit of grass encroaching on our garden.  Then we needed to clean up some twigs under the trees.  Then we needed to put down a few cement blocks.  Finally, after some lunch and a few iced tea breaks, 3:00 showed up.  We declared the work done.  And Peavy Mart beckoning!

Of course, when we arrived at Peavey Mart the garden goods were not on sale.  We asked when the sale would happen.  Tomorrow at 8:00 in the morning.  So, we’ll be out the door at 8:00 tomorrow.  Hopefully we’ll be home shortly thereafter.

Oh, and the back yard patio area looks good!

patio under trees august 2008

Just sitting!

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The day has been busy.  First, our regular Sunday service and then a group who joined us for dinner.  I’ve hauled chairs and tables, run up and down stairs, and laughed lots.

Now, the late afternoon creeps forward as I sit and meditate.

“God is good.”  The usual response is “all the time”.  I know that in my head, and often in my heart. 

But some days you wonder how the pattern works.  There is a young lady who is sick today, as well as a young man.  Others have been not well this week.  My dad is recovering, with some success as well as some reluctance.  And that’s just the obvious.

That’s where age plays a role.  Faithfulness is seen over time, not just in words.  And I’ve watched God for years.  He’s been watching me for much longer!  And when it comes down to it, I’d have to say that He certainly has a better handle on this “life thing” than I do.

So, God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.