Another passing

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Yesterday Addie Kinsgley passed away.

Yesterday we were away at another funeral.  This morning I received word that Addie had died.  Her passing was peaceful, her daughter related to me.  That was what she was seeking for.  One of my last conversations with her was exploring that exact thing!

Her funeral is scheduled for this Saturday.

Addie was a recent friend.  She was not a parishioner of the church I pastor.  She did attend some of our senior’s functions.  I had become acquainted with her at that point, but the real conversations were only recently. 

When she was admitted to hospital this last round, I stopped in just to say “Hi”.  She was in a deep conversation with one of her daughters, so I came back later.  Shared and prayed with her.  We seemed to click!  My visits with Addie were always enjoyable. 

And now, a last visit this Saturday?  Only with a lifeless body at a funeral service. 

I talked with Addie and she assured me of her belief in Jesus and the blessed hope to come.  I’m trusting in the future to see her again.  So, maybe this isn’t the “last visit” after all!

Venturing to the City of Bridges

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The fact that Saskatoon has a number of bridges means summer fun.  You can walk along the river, fish from a bridge, and even watch fireworks exploded from a bridge.

Bridges also mean repair — summer repair!  Today as we approached one bridge on the way to a funeral, the line-up was atrocious.  We decided to head to another bridge which funneled into the uptown of downtown.  A few lights turned our way, more their way. 

In the end we walked into the funeral chapel area just before the family.  Actually that was not a bad thing — we sat immediately and were right into the proceedings! 

The funeral for Herman Ruff was a good funeral.  Herman had over 70 years of faithful Christian service — attested to be all those present.  One of those was my father who had know Herman for most of his almost 90 years.  Those are good funerals!

And now, at home, I reflect on a life well lived.  And ask God that I might live well my life to bring credit to God, just as Herman did! 

A walk around the block

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It’s been a few weeks.  I’ve been away, wind has been blowing and time has been flying by.

So, the nightly walks have been abandoned.

But tonight we determined to walk.  Around a few blocks.  Up and down the streets.

It’s not that the walk is what I go for!  Yes, I know they are good for my continued recovery from knee surgery.  And, yes, they restore the lung capacity and circulate the blood.  My body knows its good.

But its good for the soul.  I talk to my wife.  We hear each other out and plan ahead, and remember what others are doing, and think about what we can do.  And God seems to walk with us.  Quietly, in the background.  In his creation just being there. 

That’s life in the fast lane  of the slow walk around the block.

Experimenting in paint

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Phase three our our property development is under way!

That sounds pretentious!  We really just have a corner lot on a common street in small town Saskatchewan.  Each year we try to improve the house or yard.  Not unlike a number of our neighbours.

Three years ago we moved here.  The first year we completed phase one — upstairs renovations including flooring, painting, kitchen counter replacement and draperies.  Phase two, year two, was the basement’s turn with flooring, painting and heating duct repair.

This year?  Phase three has begun.  We have replaced eavestroughing (outsourced to a reliable contractor).  Now we are painting window and door frames. 

Today was the first window and door frame.  The colour is white — semi-gloss latex paint.  As we stood back basking in the afternoon sun, we could have used sunglasses.  The look is stunning and blinding.  Only nine more to go!

And the snow falls when??