Friday afternoon!

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There is an old song titled “Afternoon Delight”.  I loved to listen to Manhattan Transfer (or was that Starland Vocal Band?) sing the enjoyable melody and delicious harmonies  (the words were a little racy, even for the ’70’s, but then who listens to the words?) !!

My mental picture when I hear the melody (nothing to do with the actual words of the song!) is of sitting on the porch mid-summer, mid-afternoon, and figuring all is right with the world. 

But today, Friday afternoon mid-summer 2008 brings up a new picture — and its not an afternoon delight.  In order for Dad to get into a hospital in Saskatoon (which may or may not be necessary), there must be a bed available and a specialist there as well.  Both may be impossibilities. 

It’s Friday afternoon!  Doctors leave for the weekend.  Hospital staff is downsized and patients not needing additional care sent home.  The cycle of surgeries and special care begins again on Monday — barring an emergency.

We await final word on a transfer from one hospital to another.  Oh, BTW (by the way), the transfer is about 120 kms away!  You don’t want to have to turn around half way there if there isn’t a bed or specialist available!   So, we wait!

Headed to Saskatoon?

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Well, mid-afternoon and there is a possibility that dad will be off to a Saskatoon hospital.  Not sure of a final diagnosis, although he’s had two Xrays taken in the last day or so.

Of course, the wheels start turning.  Any time the unexpected happens the consequences take a minute to sink in.  Then scenarios play out in your head.  None of which are able to be confirmed.  All of which stir the imagination.

So, time marches on, and life with it!!

Dad tumbles

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The word is that he fell on his walk.  Probably some uneven patch of ground.  The walker seems to have stumbled as much as Dad. 

Early reports are weakness in the hip but no real pain.  That’s a good sign.  We’ll see where it goes from there.  I understand the ambulance personnel had the opportunity to be regaled by Dad’s wit.  To keep your wit and wits about you is always a good sign.  So far the good outweighs any other consequences.  And that’s good!

The 90th is coming

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An advertisement is going into our local paper — I speak of our  weekly newsheet called the Kindersley Clarion. 

The ad is for an upcoming celebration.  My father, Calvin James Baker, will be feted as we consider his 90th birthday.  Actually he is not 90 until December, but trying to get people together in shivering December is a little tough (this is a common thought – John Boquist from town is also celebrating his mother’s 90th birthday the same day and her actual birthday is in January).

So, August 9th there is a “come and go tea” (with a program as well) from 2:0o to 4:00 at the Kindersley Alliance Church.  Dad’s siblings will be there and his children as well, along with come grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  And other friends will gather together to celebrate.  Should be fun!

Will you be in the area?  Come join us!