First day – retreat

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Well, I had the greatest time of visiting with my sister.  This is all a part of dealing with my dad’s death!  We were talking about what happens now, as executor (on my part) and personal guardian for my mother (on my sister’s part). 

And part of the discussion also recalls dad.  His journals are in my view.  His clothes are boxed.  His final medications are listed as they were administered, and then a final sign indicating that was the last medications given by my sister.  Finality in ink!

As executor of the estate, I have also looked over the house.  Foolishly, I thought I could fix a washer in the kitchen faucet.  So I just took a few things apart.  Figuring I would just look, until the whole thing burst forth, spewing water all over the kitchen. 

I didn’t know where the shut off valve was!  You soon become thankful for years of doing incidental plumbing renovations.  I guessed the furnace and hot water heater room.  Found the hot water valve right away.  But the main shut off?  I wandered (quickly, I must admit) following pipes in the ceiling.  Nowhere!

Back to the furnace room.  Look closer to the floor and closer to the wall.  There it was! I quickly shut it off and ran upstairs.  The floor was flooding.  Thankful for the old 60’s style of flooring with vinyl where the vinyl goes up the wall to form the quarter round, not much water escaped to the basement.

Of course, the big question was where the mop was.  Onto the phone with my sister – mop found and deployed.  But there was a need for a replacement faucet.

Again, sister to the rescue.  We have to go to the next town to find a hardware store!  Off she went, I mopped and when she arrived we put the new faucet in.  Less than a half hour of work (I’m thinking of becoming a plumber – as long as I know where the shut off valve is!).  Clean up continued and supper was held off til 8:00 pm.

Now I’m just enjoying the evening listening to some of my favourite music on my computer.

I couldn’t have planned a better retreat day.  I loved it!  I’m thinking of patenting this approach to retreats.  I’m going to call it the “wonder” retreat.  You never know what will come next!!

Getting ready

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Thank you to those who have wished me well and will be praying for me as I head to a personal retreat.  I will be secluded in a house by myself in a town by itself in a province no one used to even notice!

As I packed I looked for enough clothes (no formal wear on this trip!), enough food (with the help of my wife I won’t starve) and enough mental stimulation (books, computer and other paraphernalia).

Now, since this is a personal retreat, maybe I’ll stay in my pajamas, fast and not read a thing!  Nice thing about this retreat – there is no fixed schedule.  I’m seeking rest, relaxation and time alone – well, God will be there – which is the best way to go!  If you don’t hear from me again for the next while, don’t worry, I’ll be back!!

Personal Retreat

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Burning the candle all the way around.  That’s sort of how I have felt these last few weeks.  So, with the help of an understanding Elder’s board, I’m taking off from Wednesday through Saturday this coming week.

I’ve found a place where I can be by myself.  I’ve got things to think about and work through.  And my good wife has food already planned for the time away!

What more could you ask!

The plans of life

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Today I was involved in working out plans for some events of the next few weeks.  I’m amazed, with myself, but also with others.  We have a tendency in this day and age of programs and seminars and workshops and concerts and events of deciding at the last minute.

Maybe it’s just that I’m getting older.  Or I’m not sure what my state of health or mind will be in a few hours let alone a few days, months or years.   I still plan and commit as much as I can.  At the same time, I’m having to learn that at some point I will disappoint someone.  That is not easy, nor does it suit my upbringing, nor am I comfortable with a life of care-lessness.  But choices are just that.   And by merely making a choice someone or something is disappointed.

All that to say that I’m trying to find a way to get some retreat time in the next week or so.  So, I’m going through my appointments and seeing what can be moved, postponed or missed. Meet me back here next week and you’ll know if it worked!