Snow day

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As we headed to our evening children’s meeting, the snow was falling and sticking.  Usually in mid-October you will see snow fall but not stick.  Streets will see some water flow and the next day dry pavement.

Tonight the snow fell, ice formed and streets became slick.  My wife is reading me the weather forecast.  Looks like we won’t get above freezing.  So the snow will stick and form slick streets.   Although ice that reflects the city lights is somewhat attractive, it is also dangerous.  I’m trusting tonight there will be no catastrophic accidents.

The papers we sign

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Today was the day for a gastroscopy for me.  We have been trying to pinpoint stomach problems I have experienced.  Thankfully the initial tests today show normalcy – one more test biopsy is still to be examined.

As I was being prepped for the procedure, I was asked to sign some forms.  I have this irritating thing – I actually read the forms.  The nurse said I was the second person in 20 years to actually read the entire form (after the first paragraph they got rather tedious!).

Since a sedative was part and parcel of the procedure, they wanted to be sure I didn’t do anything serious for 24 hours.  Like taking care of children, or signing legal documents, or driving, or making significant decisions.  In fact, they asked that someone accompany me home.

I signed. 

Amazing how stress relieving that is! 

I’m only responsible to not be responsible.  For 24 hours.  No meetings tonight, and a light morning of work tomorrow.  Then back to the usual activities.  But for the moment, I’m taking it easy!!

The heart of the matter

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While the internet may promise one of the most open societies ever, restrictions and censorship will constantly arise.

If all were good, then we would only use the language and the power of our connectedness for the benefit of others.  But each country finds that it must regulate the binary data that passes back and forth — child pornography, viruses, worms and trojan horses to name a few of the attacks upon people.

Now, we are also finding that sports teams are restricting access to the reach of the internet.  NBA, NFL and possibly the NHL will restrict the use of Twitter.  The instant messaging of this social network means that a competitive edge can be destroyed.  A fan watching a practice can literally inform another team of the “secret play” that is being developed.  Players watching from the sidelines can mention this to a friend.  Fiends can intercept these messages.  Or they can deceive others into thinking their messages are helpful.

Whatever is true, right and pure can be twisted.

So, is the answer greater defenses?  More restrictions?  As a realist, I know that God himself gave ten commandments – restrictions!  As an idealist, I desire for the day that God’s kingdom would come here on earth as it is in heaven.  Perhaps the answer lies in the balance.  Live to protect others while at the same time seeking to present Jesus as the heart changer so that what is true, right and pure will be their desire.

Thanksgiving weekend begins

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Well, a few days ago we got our first snow.  Today there was more and I expect it will stay for a few days.  The whiteness of the morning shone through the bleakness of this reminder of winter.  Inside at the church building  display is taking shape. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s Thanksgiving service – 11:00 am if you want to join us at the Kindersley Alliance Church, 74 West Road!

snow has come 0ct 8

thanksgiving display 0ct 10, 2009