Leaving Waunakee

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

What a pleasant trip to date!  Monday we overnighted in Fargo, North Dakota.  One of those unexpected motels where the amenities were far beyond the price. 

And in the morning, as I was using the exercise room, in walks someone who looks very familiar.  At least 15 years ago since I’d seen his face.  Dave and  Sheri Olson were friend in Regina.

We both finished our exercise, headed off to our rooms and came together for a quick breakfast.  Caught up on children, such things as retirement (which we are both approaching).

Then we headed to a sleeper of a town called Waunakee.  Just outside Madison, Wisconsin.  We toured the local park, saw a mother throwing a baseball (she was practicing her pitching) and then wandered over two arched bridges crossing their flowing stream.

A great start to our vacation.

Summer challenge – 4over8

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The sermon and the handout of the summer challenge is  online.  Check them out under the sermon heading on www.kindersleyalliance.com.

As many of us head into the chaos, changing schedules and disrupted lives of summer our spiritual lives can be derailed.  Here is a simple, easy challenge to help us direct that summer chaos into a spiritual adventure. 

Simply put, you are being asked to regularly jump into four books over the eight weeks of this summer (4over8).  For some of you that will actually mean reading, others will pick up MP3 or audio tapes of the books, others will find videos of the books. 

The books?  They are commonly called the Gospels!  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  The first four books of the New Testament.

As you read, listen, or see these books, ask yourself the Jesus question – “Who do you say I am?” or put in another way – “What is your opinion of me?”.  Ask the question as you read a verse or a chapter or a story about Jesus.  Hopefully over the eight weeks of the summer you will come up with both old and new thoughts about Jesus.  Every revival and restoration in the church has been a rediscovery of some aspect of Christ in the process of answering the ultimate question that Jesus put to His disciples:  “Who do you say I am?”

4over8 could prove to be a significant spiritual experience in your life this summerYou may want someone else to join you in this adventure.  Print out the attached and hand it out to a friend – or even an enemy that could use it!  Let’s see where this challenge takes us this summer!


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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Here is the challenge I will put before our congregation tomorrow.

Over eight weeks time, read four books – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  These four books capture Jesus of Nazareth from birth, to death, to life.

What if reading the Gospels retooled us?  What if we were able to extract from an obvious and commonplace story that which is powerful and yet humble?  What if we were able to place ourselves alongside Jesus?

Here is a statement I’m coming to enjoy:  “Every revival and restoration in the church has been a rediscovery of some aspect of the Christ in the process of answering the ultimate question Jesus put to His disciples:  ‘Who do you say I am?’ ” (Matthew 16:16, Mark 8:29)

Or, in a more contemporary lingo – What is your opinion of Jesus?

Well, I always figure to have an opinion, you need to know something about what you are going to be opinionated about.  So, let’s over the eight weeks of summer read the four book of the stories of Jesus!

A new purse

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

To holiday requires more space.  Or at least equal space to the current container.

So, my wife has bought a new purse.  I enjoyed the shopping excursion and even helped to pick the bag.  We examined the size, compared the volume and purchased outright the best of the lot.

Now, at home, we have been filling the purse.  Quickly the purse is expanding.  My new sunglasses are contained therein.  Important papers have a separate section.  Plus the regular things transferred over from the previous purse.

I’m in awe!  My wife is organizing it all and what seems to be a mound of important stuff has become an organized treasure for efficient use.

So, thanks to Jill for all her hard work.  And I’ll try not to add too much more!