
Here is the challenge I will put before our congregation tomorrow.

Over eight weeks time, read four books – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  These four books capture Jesus of Nazareth from birth, to death, to life.

What if reading the Gospels retooled us?  What if we were able to extract from an obvious and commonplace story that which is powerful and yet humble?  What if we were able to place ourselves alongside Jesus?

Here is a statement I’m coming to enjoy:  “Every revival and restoration in the church has been a rediscovery of some aspect of the Christ in the process of answering the ultimate question Jesus put to His disciples:  ‘Who do you say I am?’ ” (Matthew 16:16, Mark 8:29)

Or, in a more contemporary lingo – What is your opinion of Jesus?

Well, I always figure to have an opinion, you need to know something about what you are going to be opinionated about.  So, let’s over the eight weeks of summer read the four book of the stories of Jesus!

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