When the internet goes down

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Last night about this time our internet service was interrupted.  For the night.

All those good thoughts about a blog posting right out the window.  Actually, I had come to the end of a busy day and was ready to drop out of the scene for the day.

Probably wouldn’t have gotten much motivation to put anything on the blog site!

But today, once again a busy day, comes to a more gracious end.  I’ve just downloaded some music for my wife – a clarinet and piano duo.  The attempt is to prepare for an offertory at church this coming week.  A fairly simple piece which will be enhanced by both being very good musicians.

The morning began with a different type of music – rain pattering onto the street pavement.  Which awoke me to the fact that our church has some roof leaks.  I took over a wet / dry vac, sucked up water, placed a few buckets strategically and into the morning was able to look at the triumphant work that I had completed.

And so the day began with music and is ending with music.  Great bookends to the day.

The week that went

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I expected it.  I tried to prepare for it.

But life sneaks up quickly.

Our church has a new intern.  He began his internship on Tuesday.  Throughout the next few days we visited, talked, planned and generally kept busy.  Then Thursday and Friday we took in a conference in Saskatoon. 

By the time I arrived home from the conference I was exhausted.  Good exhausted but still tired.  And Saturday I spent completing a sermon for Sunday service.  So that by Sunday morning I was a little slow arising. 

After our service we had a potluck where most of the people stayed.

Good time.

By the time I arrived home I was ready for a rest time.  And somehow my head bowed and the couch accepted my sleeping form.  And now, tonight I’m just relaxing.  I trust you are also enjoying a day of rest!

When the sun rises

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

That’s when daylight begins.  But in summer that’s way too early.

And that’s when I’m off to Saskatoon for a conference tomorrow morning.  The speaker lineup is great, but I’m not so sure the early morning is the best hour.  We will be hearing about leadership – I hope I can lead my feet to obey my head, and my eyelids to remain open.

But, there is a definite upside to this.  I’ll be travelling with our new intern and we’ll continue to get to know each other better.  We’ll listen together, eat together, shop together (where did that come from – isn’t that a women’s thing to do?).

And Friday evening we’ll head back to rest and ready ourselves for a Saturday of rest and a Sunday of service.

A little solder goes a long way!

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

They all come undone at the same time.  For this last year we have had weird sound aberrations.  Sound will disappear.  Or phase back and forth.  Or become convenient only to its own vagaries.

So, I opened up some wall coverings and looked.  A wire here and there would move at their own whim.  What should have been solid is now movable.

All this means that the soldering done a decade or two ago is wearing thin.  And merely resoldering has solved the problem.  Such an easy thing to get a great result.  And next week we shouldn’t have to await the moment when something moves of it’s own accord.

Drop by for the sound next week.  Or for the potluck.  Or for the introduction of our new intern.  Or . . . I understand we also have a time to worship as well 🙂