The adventure begins

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Tomorrow begins a new day for me.  An intern is coming to be with us.  I’m personally excited with the personality, initiative and drive of this young man.  I’m glad to see his youth and vitality all ready to go. 

And for that reason alone (and for others), I’m looking forward to our first official day together tomorrow.  There are some general guidelines, but a lot of this will be creative and hopefully expand  the kingdom of God.

Stay tuned.  Let’s see where this goes.

Funeral observations

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

As I become older, I am connected with more people who are ready to die.  Not in a morbid way.  Most are people who walk through life instead of succumbing to despair.

At the latest funeral I sat back and reflected.  Len was 92.  A ripe old age.  Ready to fall from the vine of life into another life.  He was a man of smiles and passed on this quality to his family.

My observation is that life is short.  I also observe that we need to live life with tomorrow on the tip of our tongues.  When only yesterday ventures from our vocabulary we have lost life. 

But I suppose my most striking observation is that your faith can be inspiring to your children, your values can be well intended, but in the end faith is individually accepted.  Make sure your own faith is in place before you die.  Or, more bluntly, check to see where you stand with Jesus.  If you have merely accepted your parents belief, you have missed true belief.

Observations taken from a few years of funerals!