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Drive by Daniel  Pink.

On of those books that, although I’m only started, has great promise.

I heard Daniel Pink over a simulcast at the Global Leadership Summit held by Willow Creek Association.  The talk was given by a self professed geek, who is an amazing speaker – dry sense of humor and lots of content.

His basic thing relates to the matter of motivation in getting things done.  He admits to the idea that the carrot and stick work for some efforts.  But the real motivator needs to be intrinsic (or as we gospel types would say – from the heart).

The true motivators?  Autonomy (let them go at it!), Mastery (do something you are good at and be good at it), and Purpose (we like to do what is significant).  Money as an incentive actually is proving to be a disincentive. 

Can we apply this to church?  Start accepting people’s ideas about the wild way they would like to do things.  Don’t necessarily look to give unexplainably high salaries, but rather give a significant mission. 

Well, that’s a start.

Plan the plans

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August is a month for planning.  In the last few weeks and into the coming days a whole fall schedule for our church will be forwarded.  These last few days have been exhilarating. 

I love to see a big picture and the puzzle pieces that make up the whole.  This fall I’m also glad to see the fantastic people who are stepping up for leadership.  As one leadership specialist says – “find the fantastic people, get them on the bus and then decide where you are going.” 

OK, I think having a vision for where you are going leads to finding the fantastic people.  But we need to let our people be creative – and that’s where I’m headed with this.  Let the leaders lead!

And so, I’m excited!  Let’s see where things go!

Cynically hopeful

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Almost sounds like an oxymoron. 

There is often a true conversion and complete reversal of the discontent in a person’s life.  “Only God” is a great motto for that. 

On the other hand, others have struggled with their life, seeking God and yet still finding failure and disappointment.  At some point this can lead to bitterness.  “If Only God” becomes their motto.

I can direct conversations, indicate remedies and even walk through situations with others.  But in the end change may not happen.  Or my idea of change may not happen.

Today I met, worked with, and remembered those who tip the scale one way or the other.  And I finish this evening praying for God to push those who are bitter towards hope, and to keep those who are hopeful away from despair. 

When the internet goes down

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Last night about this time our internet service was interrupted.  For the night.

All those good thoughts about a blog posting right out the window.  Actually, I had come to the end of a busy day and was ready to drop out of the scene for the day.

Probably wouldn’t have gotten much motivation to put anything on the blog site!

But today, once again a busy day, comes to a more gracious end.  I’ve just downloaded some music for my wife – a clarinet and piano duo.  The attempt is to prepare for an offertory at church this coming week.  A fairly simple piece which will be enhanced by both being very good musicians.

The morning began with a different type of music – rain pattering onto the street pavement.  Which awoke me to the fact that our church has some roof leaks.  I took over a wet / dry vac, sucked up water, placed a few buckets strategically and into the morning was able to look at the triumphant work that I had completed.

And so the day began with music and is ending with music.  Great bookends to the day.