Library quandry

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’ve been having a sense of revolution in thinking.  All related to new technology.  Technology that Steve Jobs helped pioneer – which seems such a weird term that.  Pioneer has more often been related to settlement of land rather than the invisible world of electrical impulses and binary accumulations!

I still consider paper a great textured experience.  As I open a book there is a sense of reality, of touch and feel.  Unlike an ebook or computer screen.

But I do find that I am more and more dependent on the internet.  Not unexpected from the projections I learned in my library science program 25 years ago.

With the easy access and wide availability you soon learn that the paper on the shelves are not necessary.  At least to a point.  There are the books that are constant reference materials that are nice to put in your hand.  But the number of those reference books are not as great as they used to be when you can access information over the internet.

So today I began to take home books that are not necessary to adorn the shelves in my office.  At least six boxes so far, and more to go.  As the shelves become barer, I’m contemplating what will fill the space. 

What would you suggest could be placed on the empty spaces? 

Ever thought this way?

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

There are days when we would just like to ask God to wait for us to finish something else off.  So, reading in the book of Judges chapter 6 (NIV) today I came across just that type of situation.  Below is the passage quoted – make what you will of it!

17 Gideon replied, “If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me. 18 Please do not go away until I come back and bring my offering and set it before you.”

   And the LORD said, “I will wait until you return.”

Now, you’ll need to read the rest of the chapter to get the full context – but it does remind you that God could leave us whenever He was wants – but He chooses to remain with us!

One busy day

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

Give me 24 hours and see what I can pack into it! 

On Sunday afternoon I left for Lafleche, Saskatchewan to make a final check of the house I am in charge of!  As executor, the accountability is mine in the final stretch.  Meanwhile my very capable sister keeps things in great shape. 

So, over 800 kilometers later – with a van load of materials and a house examined and ready (almost) for a full-time renter – I arrived home 24 hours later. 

I asked myself why I didn’t write this blog yesterday.  Perhaps there are some days just left as they are!  And so, as the evening wore on I wore out.

And now this morning I’m up and running.  Off to a funeral, to visit a lady in a manor, to oversee a survey, to work with a couple on financial planning and to sit in on a community committee on drug and alcohol awareness.  Should be a good day!

A final trip

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

As executor for my father’s estate I have been in charge of a house he bought in Lafleche, Saskatchewan.  Due to some twists and turns in the estate we have not been quick to sell the house.  But the times are changing and the possibility is closer.

With that in mind, I ventured down to Lafleche following our morning service and potluck today.  The road was fairly empty and the trip uneventful. 

But stepping into the house has memories.  I often think we pass over, by and through our memories – leaving them behind.  Not so!  I realize not everything needs to be saved, but even a penned letter of little consequence soon reaches archival status in your mind. 

And so, as I make a last pass through the house I’m trying to be realistic.  In the next short while a renter is expected in the house.  The renter brings his own furniture, so we we will be “cleaning house.”  We can store some things but basically the garage sale/second hand route will be the final route for much of what is here.

I am not the only one experiencing this!  Some of our friends have completed their business life on main street.  Soon the building will be torn down.  Many treasures still remain shoved into distant corners of the building.   But the building will come down with the treasures hidden forever.  How do you adjust?  At some point we realize that treasure stored in heaven is much more important!

Nevertheless, I will miss some of this “stuff!”