The birthday that was(n’t)

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I find it amusing that sometimes we celebrate because we are together, not necessarily because chronology dictates it.

Yesterday I was at an 80th birthday party.  Art Clarkson came into my life a few years ago when I officiated at his marriage to a lady in our church.  At 80 he is well preserved.  Or should I say – “if he were 80”?

Art Clarkson and grandchildren Nov 17, 2012Art’s birthday is December 19th.  But trying to created celebrations around the celebration of Christmas is always difficult.  And all the family could be present yesterday.  So the party was called and everyone showed up!  And a good time was had by all, including grandchildren pictured with Art.

Art has a regular coffee group he attends regularly.  I sat with some of them yesterday and heard a few stories.  I wouldn’t mind being a fly on the wall at some of those meetings.  May I enjoy life as much at 80 as Art does!!

1/2 million dollar machinery

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Moody's grand opening - Nov 15, 2012As I stood beside some farmers, I asked what this tractor would cost.  Their estimates were around $500,000.  I’m not sure how close they were – my guess is that they were within the ballpark.  With the tractor is Bob Watson, service manager at Moody’s, giving some perspective on the size!  And he’s over 6′ tall!

I had been invited to attend the grand opening of Moody’s, a farm implement and construction firm in Kindersley.  I appreciated the free steak dinner, and the company of friends, and the opportunity to see what farmers are looking at these days. 

I ventured by the Farm Credit Corporation.  The helpful “sales” people helpfully showed me that my income and even my retirement savings wouldn’t even come close to starting a viable farm here on the prairies.  Disappointed, I picked up one of their very nice pens and walked away.

Thanks to Eric Friesen, manager for the Kindersley branch of Moody’s, for the invitation.  As a part of our congregation, he seeks to live a Christian life in the marketplace.  Anyone who pushes beyond the safety of a private spirituality and is willing to live as an open Christian deserves praise in my books!

Enjoyable times

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One of the “perks” of being a pastor is getting to pray at civic functions.  Yesterday I was asked to be a part of the swearing in of our new town council. 

Being a part meant leading “O Canada” and then praying for direction for the new council.  I have met each of the councilors over this last while and I do pray that they will serve our community well.

Here is the prayer I prayed:

I pray a blessing upon this new town council of Kindersley.  May their decisions be formed through unity and a desire for the good of this community.  May you give to them health and strength that their minds and souls may have clarity and a concise sense of direction needed.  May the concerns that touch upon the life of this community touch the heart of each councilor, and may you give to them wisdom as they approach both the work of this evening and throughout their term of office.  These things I pray in the name of God, our heavenly Father.  AMEN.

Here is a picture of the mayor and those councilors who were able to be present.

Kindersley Town Council swearing in - Nov 14, 2012

Family and Friends

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Yesterday was a touch base day.  In the midst of the many changes in my life, I am thankful for friends and family. 

There is a perspective from each of them that ranges widely.  Much like the larger world in which I circulate, I find that the closer circle magnifies the opinions and guidance I hear from the larger world.

At lunch I enjoyed a young family’s banter and questions.  Later in the day my son chatted over the internet.  The afternoon saw the opportunity to touch base with three college friends.  And the evening included a chat with the gal I’m courting.

I am coming to believe that wisdom flows from many angles.  The trouble is that not all of these thoughts and desires that are expressed by others seem to be the same.  And so I’m praying widely and largely for the wisdom that James spoke of in his book in the Bible.

5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. 6 But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.

I spoke a while ago on risk.  Risk may not mean doing something different, nor does it necessarily mean staying in the same place.  The point of the sermon was that God is in control.  We risk, with the balance of focusing on Jesus, and with the realization that God has the last word.  I’m looking to God as I listen to others.  May his wisdom be mine today, as I pray that his wisdom will also invade your life this day.