On Presidential Inaugurations

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Thought today would be a good day to reflect on Presidents. 

Last Thursday I attended the inauguration of the President of our denominational school.  Gordon T. Smith is a friend, fellow student, former colleague for over 40 years.

I first remember Gordon – amazing how pictures stick  in your mind – from the first day in residence at Canadian Bible College.  I had worked the summer painting in the dorms.  Now, I was standing outside the dorms as a new resident – about to begin my first semester of school.

I was early – probably following the pattern of being there early to paint over the summer.  Gordon comes around the corner, I believe with a steamer trunk in tow, and approaches the dorms.  I probably said something profound, like “Hi.”  He probably said something profound, like “Hi.”

We did not become close friends, but we have at least kept a friendship over the years.  And so, it was my privilege to be present for the inauguration.  This was not the first time Gordon’s name had been bandied about for President.   I saw a certain sense of purpose at this point in his life that will carry him well into this role.  May God bless!

Gordon T Smith - Nov 1, 2012 small

On driving in the fog

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I’m back home from a week of driving.  First to Saskatoon (2 hour drive) and to Calgary (usual 4 hour drive).   The Saskatoon drive was somewhat uneventful.

The Calgary drive?  A little less uneventful – in other words . . .

Ever try driving in fog for hours?  And then find patches of ice that the freezing rain has just been deposited?

I began to become philosophical as  I drove (you start to think that being philosophical is much wiser than becoming overwhelmed and erratic!).

I know that my life is guided by Jesus.  But most days I’m in the clear and how I steer my life is fairly constant and hum drum.  In fact, I could just let the wheel go and I wouldn’t worry.  The country side would pass by and I would have enjoyed the day.

But when fog surrounds you, you are still left hold the steering wheel.   But this time you pray for protection and trust that the road in front of you is one that the maker had in mind (no potholes, bridges out or lack of guardrails).  The white and yellow lines certainly help.  And the signs that pop out of the fog.  And the few feet illumined in your headlights.

Beyond that it is trust. 

Believe it or not, I enjoyed my travels.  I was not frightened – I trusted the roadbuilder.  I arrived at my destination safely. 

Fear is best combated by faith!