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In the past I’ve mentioned some of the slogans that seem to have a life of their own in my life.  I placed some of these on my mirror to remind me.  Just in case the house burns down, or I never look in the mirror again, I thought they might be good to have in another place.  So, here are some of those.

Submitted to Christ, Committed to the Community, Eager to Serve

Grant me marathon strength and radical gratitude.  I want to see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly day by day (Col. 1)

Give more than you get and you’ll get more than you need.

For the Christian, death is the easy part.  Life is the challenge.

Jesus, I want fire, not ice; something lively, not just nice.  Power for service, discipline in all things, stories to tell and songs to sing. (August 2006)

“It’s not a good measure of health to be well adjusted in a profoundly sick society.”  (Christianity Today – July/August 2012, p.56)

Butter Up

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Ever had one of those series of conversations?  The type that starts innocently, and a few days after another interaction, until finally in the coming hours you encounter other thoughts along the same line?

Well, a few weeks ago I stood in someone’s house who only uses butter.  And not an overly large amount.  On the other hand, I love my margarine.  I use it as a spread.

In the last few days I’ve talked with others who speak of the wonders of butter. 

Now, understand this.  My heritage was a family who used butter.  Margarine was reserved for some cooking, but toast and other goodies saw butter and not the processed oils of margarine.

Thus, today I’m processing the thought that perhaps butter, used sparingly, could be a better thing than margarine used widely.  Not sure I’m ready for a conversion, but there is much good to what has been said.  Perhaps a gradual switch could work.  Or maybe cold turkey!

I’ll see where this goes!  Could be interesting – and might even get a sermon illustration out of it.

Christmas Tree Decorations – in memory

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

The tree is slowly getting decorated.  I have placed a number of shiny bulbs which always highlighted the tree.

The latest decorations are in memory of my wife, Jill. 

Jill Christmas decoration 2012 smallThe one to the left is a tree root from a bush in the back of our yard.  When we rototilled the garden area 8 years ago, we found a number of plants that were extraneous or just plain weeds. 

One bush stood out.  The leaves were red, a color  Jill always appreciated in plants.  They reminded her of Ontario, her birthplace!  So we tended this plant – and this year, in memory of Jill, I tried a transplant to the front yard.  Didn’t work out well and I was left with a reminder that death comes. 

So, I took the root of the plant, the source from which all the rest of beauty flows, and preserved the root.  I’ve had it sitting in the house as a reminder of Jill’s life (the bright colors of red would describe her approach to life) and of her death (the root is shaped as a shepherd’s staff – a guide for sheep as they make their way through life). 

The second ornament is a rose.  Understand that I did not buy Jill flowers (a quirk of mine!).  But upon her death a number of flowers arrived.  This was a single rose that arrived upon the anniversary of the first month of her death.  Sent by an anonymous donor – reminding me of the greatness of Jill’s life.  She was a true rose, a plant that prospered despite hardship and tough circumstances (those thorns of life) and always came out smelling like a rose with the beauty of the petals displayed daily.

Now these two ornaments hang on my Christmas tree to be viewed each day – a look back in memory of Jill.


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Seven months later and I’m still functioning on reserves.  For which I am thankful.  But the store is coming to an end.

Now I must re-store!

The reminder today was the dryer sheets – which I loving call “Bounce” sheets.  Stick them in the dryer and they keep your socks from static electricity and the dreaded “they stick together” disease!  Often wondered where that extra pair of underwear ended up?  Check out the other side of your socks!!

Next?  Well, besides produce that has expiry dates in the weeks, I’m coming to an end of my pickles, my vacuum bags, my gloves, and other miscellany!  I believe there is some universal law that requires things deteriorate so that the new may enter! 

So, as I wander through this day (mostly a day off), I will be checking around the house to see what needs attention next.  Reminiscent of our Christmas program theme of mystery (as in Sherlock Holmes style mystery) – and YES, that program in all it’s glory is this coming Sunday at 6:30 at the Kindersley Composite School-  I have named this day “The Adventure of the Supply Cabinet” OR “What Do I Buy Next!”