Christmas Tree Decorations – in memory

The tree is slowly getting decorated.  I have placed a number of shiny bulbs which always highlighted the tree.

The latest decorations are in memory of my wife, Jill. 

Jill Christmas decoration 2012 smallThe one to the left is a tree root from a bush in the back of our yard.  When we rototilled the garden area 8 years ago, we found a number of plants that were extraneous or just plain weeds. 

One bush stood out.  The leaves were red, a color  Jill always appreciated in plants.  They reminded her of Ontario, her birthplace!  So we tended this plant – and this year, in memory of Jill, I tried a transplant to the front yard.  Didn’t work out well and I was left with a reminder that death comes. 

So, I took the root of the plant, the source from which all the rest of beauty flows, and preserved the root.  I’ve had it sitting in the house as a reminder of Jill’s life (the bright colors of red would describe her approach to life) and of her death (the root is shaped as a shepherd’s staff – a guide for sheep as they make their way through life). 

The second ornament is a rose.  Understand that I did not buy Jill flowers (a quirk of mine!).  But upon her death a number of flowers arrived.  This was a single rose that arrived upon the anniversary of the first month of her death.  Sent by an anonymous donor – reminding me of the greatness of Jill’s life.  She was a true rose, a plant that prospered despite hardship and tough circumstances (those thorns of life) and always came out smelling like a rose with the beauty of the petals displayed daily.

Now these two ornaments hang on my Christmas tree to be viewed each day – a look back in memory of Jill.

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