Faith, hope and love

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

There are days when we read something and it strikes us in a totally different way.

Yesterday I was reading about the matter of the great three of Christianity – at least as set forth in I Corinthians 13 – at the very end of the chapter. 

Faith, hope and love. 

Having memorized this chapter as a teen (although 40 years later my memory is not as good), I remembered the next part of this verse.

And the greatest of these is love.

A group of people have just come back from a short term missions project in Romania.  There life is very minimal – with little money or prospects for the future.  One of the team mentioned that the great need was for hope.

I have found myself involved in seeking for greater faith.  Both in our church life and in my personal life.  I want more than ever to believe for all that God has for us.

So how does love trump these two very strong impulses?  What makes love greater than faith and hope?  When an old thought hits me in a new way, I begin to gather my thoughts and to think.  If you have some thoughts, please comment!

The Pastor thing

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

There are some days when ministry – the vocational type – tips various balance points in the minister’s life.

Today I was a little late to arise.  I felt the need to rejuvenate so I wasn’t up until shortly after 8:00.  I only had to brush up on my sermon, along with attending a funeral. 

Until I found that one of my parishioners was in the hospital.  And another parishioner, whom I had not spent time with for some time, invited me out to lunch.  As the afternoon completed, I found that I was energized by Jesus.  Not a bad thing.

For all the best plans, sometimes there are other plans.  And I need to be ready to flow with where God is headed.

Young or Old??

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Am I young or am I old?

I’m am 60 (almost).  I have always considered myself to be the next year’s age – which is always just around the corner.

So, I have been in a dilemma trying to figure out what 60 means for me.  Mostly the conundrum comes from those who talk to me with varying degrees of advice.

On the one side, yesterday someone called me into the category of the seniors (of which she was one).  “We older people can now speak our minds.  We can do what we want to do.  We are mature.”  I like living on this side of being a senior!

On the other side, I am being told I am young. 

I like that thought, especially when I look in the mirror!  OK, most are not referring to my looks.  Most are referring to my seeking out a new wife.  My first wife, Jill, would have been in total agreement – get to it!!  Others figure the best years of life are still ahead for a “senior just turning 60.”  I agree and am on that journey with intention and intensity!

So, today I am ready to begin the day.  I think I have solved the dilemma.  I will suspend time and just get on with living!!

This day

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

As I awoke this morning, I wondered what phrases spill from God’s heart to mine.  This has been a busy last few weeks, and the sabbath of my soul is found best in God made real through Jesus and given live through His Spirit!

  • You are my beloved
  • Your sins are taken because of Jesus’ work of redemption
  • Your life is given abundance in Jesus’ name
  • You are called to others
  • You are called to serve
  • Enjoy this day – I have made it!

And so I head into this day with assurance and desire to see what God has for me!