The retreat that is/was

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So, I’m thinking words are always interesting.   You sort of get into that mode being around pastors whose stock for their trade of preaching is words.

I looked at the word retreat.  I am at a Pastor’s Retreat.  Most people think of a retreat as leaving the battlefield.  Some have decided to call their “retreats” by another name – an “advance.”

Maybe we need to reclaim the word retreat.

To “re” something often just means to do it over again.  When we remember we put back together the members (memories) of the past.  When we restore we gather together the parts that would usually have been in our store but have been scattered. 

So what would retreat mean.  How about getting another opportunity to have a “treat”.

That is exactly what these last few days have been.  We have had plenary (talking) times where prayer and sexuality have been discussed – such an interesting combination.  I have sat at meal with old and new friends.  Exercise and discipline has been enjoyable – and the food is fantastic.

And God is here in ways unexpected.  I love it!!

Security or death

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  • Reading time:1 mins read

I’ve been reading about prayer.

People realize that we have a need.  A need to pray.  We realize we can’t do it all.

Our prayers tend towards being comfortable.  We like security.  We want our cancers to be healed.  We like the idea that we will be prosperous. 

The further I walk in a journey with God, the more we realize those prayers should not be primary in our lives.

Imagine taking the prayer – God, let me die – and praying it each day. 

If I was dying I would inherit humility.  I would inherit service of others.  I would inherit the reality that I am not really all that I think I am.

I think I like that inheritance.  I’m not so sure I like the prayer to die!

Live Lessons Learned Living with Jesus – 001

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Before the miracles!

When Jill died, life changed. I was given an opportunity to reshape life. In those first days, I continued to awaken at 3:00 in the morning. I wondered, at first, should I get up. For more than 15 years this had been my habit. I would read the Bible and journal and pray over my previous day’s journey. Over the years, Jesus spoke to me in these times, and my own life was put into perspective.

When life brings a new normal, the easy thing is to forsake the harder disciplines in your life. Would I slouch into the day and leave aside my morning physical exercise? Would I isolate myself and never entertain again? Would I quit seeking the advice of others and steer life selfishly?

These and many other long-time disciplines came into question. I wanted to move immediately into a new dimension of life! But Jesus kept calling me to be faithful. In one early morning session with Him, He seemed to say to me, “Trust yourself.” Take all that I had learned from Jesus over the past six decades, continue doing what I was doing to seek Him, and then do whatever came to mind.

I am finding my excitement with this new thrust in my life comes from reliance on Jesus. Regardless of what life puts in front of me, as Paul says: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)

I want to be faithful in the small things, the disciplines I have developed, in order to see greater things from God. And in these past few months, I have seen God doing amazing miracles, including personal physical healing. Now I awaken each day wondering what Jesus has in mind. It just might be the impossible!!

To the wild, blue yonder

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Or is that the dark, unknown East!

In a tradition of our denomination, I am headed off to a Worker’s Retreat.  The days are filled with rest, speakers, food and joy.  Of course, you can end up talking about worries, people who are cantankerous, or even the things that make for stress in a pastorate.

For me, this will be a new experience.  I am going as a single.  For years I have been accompanied by my wife.

That meant that activities always had someone else there.  Meals were shared with a known person.  Feedback from sessions was just part of what happened.

Now, the people I will see are also known.  The activities will be with friends.  And there will be feedback times around tables. 

Not quite the same. 

As I have been learning, God often places us in new places.  Not to cause worry and stress, but to help us grow.  Growth is not forgetting the branches that have already been formed – they will still be nurtured.  Growth is growing new branches and enjoying their leaves and the shade they bring.

So bring on the new and may the old continue to shade us with grace and goodness!