To the wild, blue yonder

Or is that the dark, unknown East!

In a tradition of our denomination, I am headed off to a Worker’s Retreat.  The days are filled with rest, speakers, food and joy.  Of course, you can end up talking about worries, people who are cantankerous, or even the things that make for stress in a pastorate.

For me, this will be a new experience.  I am going as a single.  For years I have been accompanied by my wife.

That meant that activities always had someone else there.  Meals were shared with a known person.  Feedback from sessions was just part of what happened.

Now, the people I will see are also known.  The activities will be with friends.  And there will be feedback times around tables. 

Not quite the same. 

As I have been learning, God often places us in new places.  Not to cause worry and stress, but to help us grow.  Growth is not forgetting the branches that have already been formed – they will still be nurtured.  Growth is growing new branches and enjoying their leaves and the shade they bring.

So bring on the new and may the old continue to shade us with grace and goodness!

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