Enjoyment in teaching

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Today I received recognition for teaching Grade 5-7 youth.

Our Family Bible School is completed for this year.  I have been team teaching a group (mainly boys) with another man.  How unusual is that?  Men teaching children!

The pleasure was all mine.  As we went through the year I became convinced that these are the leaders of tomorrow – and they are leaders already in their own right amongst their peers. 

Of course, there were days where the boys were climbing on tables and raucous and a bit unruly.  Or the days when they were serious and taking in all sorts of new learnings.  Both days are days of enjoyment – although I’m not sure I have as much patience as I would like when their enthusiasm explodes.

Next year looks to be fun as well.  I want to take on the same group once again.  This time we will separate out the girls from the boys.  Which means more loud sessions together and great fun around the tables leading to learning that will help to shape young hearts after the heart of God. 

What a great opportunity.


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This is a day which I will enjoy.

There are very few symbols in the Christian church as powerful as baptism.

There is water.  A person enters the water.  This is them.  As they are. 

Then they are placed below the water.  When they come up the symbolism is one of death to what was there previously.  Arising from the water shows a new life begun.  Arising from the water makes a statement of allegiance to Jesus.  Arising from the water is a public declaration of intent to follow hard after Jesus.

That is what I love!

And today I witness this once again.  Wish you could be here.  And those of you that are able to attend – enjoy with me!!

Past conference

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Three days that filled my time!

Our denominational conference ran from Monday – Wednesday this past week.  We are in the midst of transition within this district comprising Saskatchewan, Manitoba, part of Ontario and Iqaluit. 

Recently, the District Superintendent (DS), who oversees the region, has been asked to take on responsibilities at the national level.  This is welcomed by all.  But it also means that a new/interim DS has to be appointed or elected. 

The choice was made to appoint Al Fedorak, who had been serving as a district officer, as our new DS until an election can take place two years from now.

Al is a very capable man.  He is a man whose advice I seek, and whose life and ministry I would want to emulate.

For the next few weeks our current DS will remain in place.  Then Al will take on the full reins. 

Past this conference, I am praying for wisdom for Al, and for a real sense of God’s empowering for him.

Join me in that prayer!

French Horns

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Saturday was a day to enjoy some music.  Piano music and some brass highlighted the Provincial Music Festival for me, which was held in Saskatoon this year.

Over the past few years my tradition has been attendance at the Festival.  Two things have highlighted those times. 

One is the opportunity to listen to youth who attend our church.  The second is just the enjoyment of listening to music well done.

Such was the case as I sat in on the senior class of brass instruments.  Two trumpets played and two French Horns. 

Now, trumpets are a class in themselves.  They herald triumphant battle – as the adjudicator pointed out on one of the songs.  Trumpet is the front end of battle, with the trumpet played raised towards the enemy.

Then there is the French horn.  The bell of the French Horn faces backwards.  You hear a sound that is first bounced off a wall or echoed from a distant point.  I find the sound to be softer than a trumpet.

Karalie Near, a youth from our church, played French Horn.  Another youth, Paige Summach, also played in this particular class at the festival.  Both were very well practiced.  The pieces were well done.  And the enjoyment was great.

Not every day does one hear the mellow sound of a well played French horn.  Yesterday I was treated to a double portion!