God in the midst, or God is the midst

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

We had a situation yesterday that my wife and I were praying over.

I mentioned that we should invite God to be in the midst of our situation.  My wife countered with, “Maybe God is the midst of our situation.”

If you know me, a good twist of phrase always gets me thinking.

Perhaps we are too wrapped up in our own plans.  We work away at things, scheme and develop strategies.  When the worst and best scenarios are considered, then we tend to ask God to superintend the rest. 

As though God wouldn’t be bothered with what was happening.  Or, if he was, we can take care of the details – He can hang on to the big picture.

What if we were to look at it a whole new way?  What if God is the midst of our situation?  What if this is God’s way to direct us, to train us, to raise us up in righteousness?  What if we were to switch the driver’s seat?  What if we humbly prayed that God would reveal what on earth he is doing?  What if we are really looking for God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven – where the throne/governing room seems to dominate everything else?

Just saying!!

I’m a Quaker

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

OK, I’m not quite a Quaker – but my ancestry reveals that direction.

Here is the story I was told by my aunt on Saturday:

In the war of 1812, a number of Americans were asked/conscripted into the army.  They had to fight their Canadian neighbours – kill them if necessary.

My relatives objected to such an approach.  They were pacifists.  By label they were “Quakers”.  So they emigrated to Canada.  A nice way to say they were basically pushed out of their country because of religious beliefs.  Canadians labelled them United Empire Loyalists (although technically there is some question as to whether that label would apply in this case). 

Now, that is interesting enough.  The real thing for me, though, is that for my lifetime I have always thought that my mother’s side was made up of staunch Anglicans – ever loyal to the throne, country and King/Queen.

My father’s side are Anabaptists – they ended up running all over the world to avoid persecution.  And now my mother’s side?  Quakers were not exactly the most loved religious sect. 

Both sides come from a heart perspective on religion.  For this heritage I am thankful.  Of course, the flip side of that coin is that they were rebels in the midst of the world in which they lived in (a little Beatles reference there).

And so, I guess I come by my stubborn streak and a bit of a rebellious attitude naturally!

Sunday Meditation

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I have appreciated over the years my friend, Randall Friesen’s, meditations that populate his blog and other writings.  The flowing words and concise thoughts just arouse worship.

And so, this Sunday morning, here are some of my thoughts:

God, you have been the harvester of souls – constant in love and compassion, willing to forgive and to restore the years that have seen waste and needless want.

You have sown in our hearts the desire for more – more sense of you, more presence in this creation, and more love for others.  These urges cause us to seek greater heights.  You water those desires, provide the nutrients for growth and fill in the fruit of a life lived in harmony with you.

This is the day that you have made – we can examine the moments and contemplate eternity.  Joy spills from the trickles of momentary miracles and the enormity of abundant salvation you provide.

I awaken to this Sunday, reminded that you rested from your creative work and just enjoyed the day.  I wonder that you watch me today, and crave for me to experience your rest. 

May I live life to the full this day – resting in you.

Dreamers and sensitive men

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Today is a work  (fix the church, refurbish the building) day at our church.  Men tend to appear.

I am not one to take the lead in construction.  I will put on gloves and tote and lift.  Although I love the result of well done construction, the expertise of construction is not in my court!  

I enjoy organizing a big project.  I love to dream what things will look like and dream them into existence.  I like to bring people together to become friends and neighbours.

In the last few decades men have been told they are wild at heart.  Somewhere inside we are told we would rather be out rescuing the damsel, building homes, playing sports and conquering the world.  All with our hands and our brawn.

Not everybody agrees.  In my own travels I have seen many sensitive men who love working on computers and conquering the space of the home.  I have seen dreamers whose dreams are about the world in general and not the dirt in particular.

Work days for them are network times, times to be with others on a project that they will help finish, but which does not require them to conquer anything.  It’s just plain fun. 

So, let’s break stereotypes!  When you see a group of guys together swinging hammers and singing “yo-ho” songs, don’t look at them as just another bunch of “manly men”, sweaty and full of brawn and not much brains.  Consider that each one is their own man!