My exercise bike has just crossed the 4000 mark.

I think that number symbolizes the miles I have travelled. 

No traffic.  No hazardous potholes.  No unjust rain or inordinate wind.

Just me, on my bike, limbering up for a day’s activities.

Perhaps one day sitting at a desk, writing a sermon.  Another day flexing my muscles as I remove a basement wall.  Another day visiting friends and parishioners.  Another day contacting family and friends about loved ones.

The bike is unconcerned about the day’s activities.  The function it has to perform is merely to serve me.  Provide tension when needed – firming up my muscles and resolve.  Provide movement to stretch muscles that need to flex throughout the day.

Not a function that brings grandeur.  But whatever glory I receive throughout the day, I reflect back on the preparation my bike provided. 

OK, this is really a parable of how we are to live in light of God’s glory.  We have a purpose God has provided for us.  Perhaps without limelight or fame.  But in the glory God receives, there is a reflection back upon us for being faithful and fulfilling our purpose.

That’s how I’m beginning my day today!

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