I’m training myself to think a bit differently.
Usually my waking thought has been – “What does today hold?” That has meant I’ve thought through what I will be doing, how it will get done and under what schedule.
I’ve been convicted that sometimes I see the people in my life as a just a part of the puzzle of my life. Fit them in to make me comfortable, use them to get things done, figure them out so they do the “right thing” for me.
I know that sounds callous, and I certainly don’t want that to be true. Which is why I’m trying a awaken now asking the question, “Who does today hold?” And the beginning of the day is more prayer than planning. More asking God how He sees others. More people than programs.
As an administrator in a previous career, this is a push. But one I know needs to happen. After all, as the saying goes – “we are human beings, not human doings.”