Noon lunch today completed a 24 whirlwind of activity.
Our regional Alliance church pastors gathered together (seven altogether). In that time we walked together, talked together, ate ice cream together, and even slept together (separate beds but same house!).
There are some divine appointments that happen. The co-leaders had left open a very simple agenda. Care and share with each other, laugh and play, and look at ministry. Well, the crokinole tournament highlighted Keith and Rob completely cleaning up on the rest of us. The ice cream was from “Cold Stone” at Tim Horton’s – first time for me. We prayed for each other.
A few days ago I heard that a special speaker was coming in to address one of the other churches in town. Robert Henderson is from Colorado Springs and is part of the “Apostolic Movement.” Some of us had heard of the movement but weren’t sure what was meant. I phoned over to the church and they graciously opened up an hour in his schedule to come address us.
As we completed out time together we prayed for him and he prayed for us. We saw his heart to have this world changed for the good of God. We may wonder about what the structures that will look like in this new venture, but the heart is for Christ. And in that we rejoiced.
And after lunch we parted. My wife to rest, myself to separate tasks and the others on the road home.
A good time had by all!