The fun of working with youth!

Yesterday our youth group played a game.  Nine questions were asked, then the answer sheets were mixed up and we had to guess who answered what.  Things like, “If you were from Ethiopia, what would your name be?”

Lots of fun until they came to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  They turned towards me and laughed.  I think they figure when you are older you are all grown up.  So you don’t have any thing to write.

Little do they know.  Right away one thing came to mind, and a few others flitted across my memory.  Perhaps the question should have read, “What do you want to be when you retire?”  or some aberration of that thought.

You never grow up.  Just overload your memory banks and expose yourself to different life experiences. 

And personally I hope I never grow up!

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