Shabbating it!

Well, with a new understanding, I’m taking Monday’s off.

The idea is to intentionally take a sabbath (shabbat).  Spend the day with God in mind, worry out the door and a day without having to feel like you need to spend time, money and anxiety on the things of this world.

So, I awoke to rake a section of the front lawn which had been trampled by the snow of winter.  Swept out the garage, repaired a wooden chair and cleaned the entrance to our side door.

Then to an afternoon reading.  A book by Benjamin Perrin called “Invisible Chains:  Canada’s underground world of human trafficking.”  Not a pretty picture as I dug into the first few chapters.  Our denomination is setting out to address this problem with a program called “Defend Dignity.”

Then, off to supper with friends who are singing at our senior’s XYZ meeting tomorrow.  Afterwards we did a sound check.  AND – the fun of singing an acappella  quartet spontaneously!  That to me is refreshment at it’s best!

Now, after watching the TV show, “Castle”, Jill and I are sitting at the computer checking Facebook, listening to music and writing my blog.

A great day of rest!

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