A little bit of fix-it

There are certain things that a fairly flexible ministry position offers.  One of them is the opportunity to fix things.  Most times, my fixing something is not necessary, and sometimes the fix-it part of life really needs to be left to others (for their sake and for my own sanity’s sake).

On certain days, though, taking a small thing and pulling it apart is just fun and good for you.  Frustrating also, but mostly fun.  Such was the water cooler in my office.  Actually my concern was the switch that turned on the “hot” water section of the cooler (how great a conundrum is that – hot water from a cooler!). 

I proceeded to pull the unit apart.  At one point I had to find a specialty screwdriver.  In the end, with a few drips on the floor, I spotted the switch.  I checked out the wiring and found  no other place where a connection had failed or a fuse had blown.

Must be the switch!  I proceeded to pull the switch and yesterday took said switch to an electrical company in town.  Now, there was not an exact replica of the switch, but certainly a facsimile that would work.

After installing the switch, and reassembling the unit, I proceeded to pour water into the cooler.  And water came out.  After quickly finding a drainage area (the sink in the church kitchen) I tightened up everything again, and the water leak stopped.  Of course, I had to go back and clean up.

But, with hope in hand, I plugged in the cooler.  Turned on the heater.  Came back later and had a drink of hot chocolate.  How good is that!!

Yes, sometimes we just need those days where we are distracted for no particular reason other than your mental health.  That was a successful distraction.  Someday I’ll talk about all those days of unsuccessful distractions .

Or maybe not – that would distract me too much!!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. elizabeth cooper

    So glad you were able to fix it ! Brave man to take on a plumbing job !

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