A new Board

Anyone who has worked in a Board governed organization will know how much a Board can make a difference.  Particularly in churches, the tenor and direction of a Board gives direction for ministry.

Yesterday I met with our new Board of Elders.  To call them elder is a misnomer – particularly as I age!  There is one who is half my age, another who is one third my age, and another  who is a little older than I.  Not a bad mix.

And mix we did.  This was really a get to know each other time.  The minutes reflect that we did set up things like officers and read minutes.  But the real benefit was coming together, listening to each other, agreeing and disagreeing and walking away with a sense of anticipation.

How a Board will function depends over time.  But when the time begins with a sense of hope, you are in a good place.

And we are in a good place.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. MaryAnne Carter

    a board bathed in prayer, guided by the Holy Spirit leads the way to health and wholeness as they worship together. May the beginning filled with HOPE lead to great FAITH that encounters, explains, and expects divine miracles.

  2. Gerald

    Looking forward to seeing the direction this group of individuals will lead. A good mix of people to forge ahead with fresh ideas.

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