A quick trip!

Yesterday the road to Saskatoon beckoned.  Or rather, a sick friend. 

Donovan Gobeil is in need of transplanted lungs.  He has had Cystic Fibrosis.   Since birth and now at 20 he’s on a respirator with an infection.  The infection needs to be cleared and a transplant given.  Otherwise the disease could claim his life soon.

So, we headed to Saskatoon.  Upon arrival we found that he was heavily sedated and unable to respond to a visit.  Instead we visited with his brother and sisters — and with the parents, Beth and Laurier.

These are not easy times.

For me, I have been helped by another set of friends who came to do a concert.  What enjoyment!  And a needed uplift.  Saturday morning I had cried as I prayed over our breakfast — saddened by Donovan’s current state.  Rick Lett, our concert giver, knows the family well.  His presence was a real encouragement — and his music (accompanied by two of his children) was special.

Lett family concert, September 7, 2008

God is good!  Even in the tough times.

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