A short, smiling, sweet lady

That is the description that I’ve heard more than once about Muriel Plum.  Muriel passed into the presence of her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, on October 20, 2013.  The funeral service is today, Saturday, October 26 at 2:00 pm at the Kindersley Alliance Church.

Muriel was a charter member of the Kindersley Alliance Church.  In 1938 she joined a group of others, seeking to worship God and see Him work.  She believed in Jesus, not only for herself but for the whole world.  Faithfully for 75 years she provided a steady influence and a godly presence to those in the church.  When she became sick enough these past few months that she could not attend, she bemoaned the fact that she had not been to church for five weeks!

In proper fashion, with a dress and appropriate shoes, she would gracefully walk  into our church services.  She had encouraging words that were spoken to congregational members – even the pastors were know to have been complimented on their sermons!  We will miss her.

Muriel was a planner, and so her funeral had songs all picked and people considered for various tasks.  She wanted simple and meaningful.  Nothing too long or flowery.  Even as she prepared words for her eulogy (she was a planner!)she was heard to say there was just too much of her in it!

So today, I will help to lead a funeral service.  Truly a time to remember a faithful Christian lady! 

This will be our privilege as a church to celebrate a life well lived for Jesus.

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